Letter Naming Fluency: identified frequently as the best single indicator of risk for reading failure
Letter Sound Fluency: with equal or better predictive ability to later general reading skills
Phoneme Segmentation Fluency:the ability to hear critical sounds in spoken word
Nonsense Word Fluency: the ability to link the written code with the most common sounds
Spanish Early Literacy (MIDE)
Letter Naming Fluency: requires students to name as many upper and lower case letters as they can in one minute.
Letter Sound Fluency: requires students to provide as many of the sounds associated with lower case letters as they can in one minute
Syllable Segmentation Fluency: requires students to re-pronounce words presented orally for one minute, with a clear separation between syllables
Syllable Reading Fluency: requires students to read as many CV syllables as possible in one minute. Credit is given for each phoneme read correctly.
Syllable and Word Spelling: requires students to write orally presented syllables or words
Oral Reading Fluency: requires students to read aloud for one minute per passage.
Reading (English & Spanish)
Oral Reading: read graded passages aloud for 1 minute and calculating the number of words read correct per minute providesa highly reliable and valid measure of general reading achievement, including comprehension
Reading Maze
Maze: multiple-choice cloze test; the first sentence of a 150-400 word passage is left intact then every 7th word is replaced with three words inside parenthesis; completed during silent reading
Language Arts
Standard Spelling Word Lists:grade-level words are said aloud at a 2 minute pace and the number of correctly spelled words are assessed; should take at least 20 minutes
Written Expression
Standard Writing Assessment Story Starters:write a story for 3 minutes given an age-appropriate story starter; helps measure general written expression